Faith Lived Out ~God’s Wisdom and Encouragement for Christian Wives

The Biblical View of Marriage & Becoming a Submissive Wife Are you a Christian wife who wants the loving godly marriage that the Lord designed for you, but are unsure what that looks like or how to get it? Do you want to have confidence in your marriage and being the submissive wife you are called to be, without the fear that you’re doing it wrong? Is it a struggle to know what the truth is, to stop worrying all the time, and to put your faith and trust in the Lord? Then you’ve come to the right place. I’ve got you! Here is where you will find biblical answers to life’s challenging questions about marriage. How to have confidence and peace in your role as a submissive wife. Hear encouraging wisdom from God’s Word and to learn put your trust in Him as you live out your faith everyday. Hey girl, I’m Nanci Adamson. Christian Mentor, Bible Teacher, Speaker, Women’s ministry leader, mom to 3, and Grammy to 7 sweet babies who are the light of my life. I see you and I get you, because I’ve been there. As a young wife it was important to me to have a strong, loving marriage, but I didn’t come from a Christian home so there was no example to follow for how to achieve that. All I knew was that I wanted a better marriage and family life than what I grew up in. Over the years the Lord has taught me how to find biblical answers to life’s questions in His Word and to rely on His wisdom, not the world’s for guidance and direction in my life. When we know His Word and apply it to our lives, then we will truly have peace as we trust our Heavenly Father for our marriages. This is what living out our faith is all about and it can bring you to new heights, life changing experiences, and amazing blessings in your life that you thank God for everyday. He did it for me and He wants to do it for you. Are you ready for it? Then grab some coffee, pull up a chair next to mine and let’s get started! Blog, Journals & Free Printables ~ Sister’s Like You ~ Looking for a speaker for your next women’s event or just want to chat, contact me at

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Tuesday Jul 18, 2023

As a new believer, prayer can be a bit intimidating. As a mature believer, we can easily fall into the habit of coming to God with a laundry list of needs and wants, forgetting the other aspects of what our prayers should include. Or our mind wonders and we find ourselves apologizing to God for not staying focused.
So how then? How do we come to the Lord in prayer, what should our prayers include and how do we stay focused while praying? Join me as we take a look at the Bible on how to pray.
Scripture References
Matthew 6:5-13
Revelation 5:8
Psalms 99:9
Proverbs 28:13
Psalms 100:4
1 John 5:14-15
ACTS Prayer Journal - click here to view the ACTS Prayer Journal with journal prompts designed to help you cultivate a deeper, more effective prayer life.
Episode 29 ~ How to Forgive and Stop Bitterness from Growing in Your Heart.
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Simply click the link for your free printable copy of the Faith Lived Out Journal. Specifically designed with prompts to help you get more out of your study time by digging a little deeper into the Scriptures and learning how to apply them to your life. Free printables of beautifully designed inspirational scriptures are also available.
Women's Event Speaker
Are you in the Dallas area and looking for a fresh new speaker to add some excitement to your next luncheon, women’s retreat or other women’s event? Drop me a note at and lets chat about it. 
Connect with me & other Christian Wives & Moms
Stop by to visit the website at for more info, blog post, journaling ideas, and free printables.
Or become a part of our little community of believers by joining the Faith Lived Out Community on Facebook. Where you can join together with other faith led wives and moms just like you.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023

We all have our own ideas and expectations of what love is? What we want it to look like in our lives. But what does the Bible say about love?
If we want to have the Christ centered, loving marriage that we desire, then we must learn what God says love is and what it isn’t. 
Today we’re taking a look at the love chapter in Scripture and learning how to love our husbands God’s way.
Let’s get started.
Scripture References
1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Romans 12:17-21
1 Peter 1:6-7
Proverbs 31:11
Mark 9:23
Jeremiah 29:11
2 Corinthians 5:17
Ephesians 4:22-24
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You may also want to hit the follow button so you don't miss any new episodes!
Free Gift for You!
Simply click the link for your free printable copy of the Faith Lived Out Journal. Specifically designed with prompts to help you get more out of your study time by digging a little deeper into the Scriptures and learning how to apply them to your life. Free printables of beautifully designed inspirational scriptures are also available.
Women's Event Speaker
Are you in the Dallas area and looking for a fresh new speaker to add some excitement to your next luncheon, women’s retreat or other women’s event? Drop me a note at and lets chat about it. 
Connect with me & other Christian Wives & Moms
Stop by to visit the website at for more info, blog post, journaling ideas, and free printables.
Or become a part of our little community of believers by joining the Faith Lived Out Community on Facebook. Where you can join together with other faith led wives and moms just like you.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Tuesday Jun 27, 2023

Marital Affairs ~ We hear about them all the time. They are often the hot topic about celebrities or those we see in the media. There are some instances that we could see it coming from a mile away. But others from solid marriages or godly people that also seem to fall prey to them.
How does this happen? And more importantly, how do we keep this from happening in our own marriages.
I invite you to pull up a chair next to mine as I share a little marriage advice on how to affair proof your marriage.Let’s get started!
Scripture References
Proverbs 14:30
1 Peter 5:8
Titus 2:4
Romans 12:10
1 Corinthians 7:3-5
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Have you been blessed by this podcast?  Please consider taking a moment to leave a review. This helps more women -- just like you -- find the podcast and be encouraged in their walk with the Lord as they learn biblical principles to live out their faith everyday. You may also want to hit the follow button so you don't miss any new episodes!
Free Gift for You!
Simply click the link for your free printable copy of the Faith Lived Out Journal. Specifically designed with prompts to help you get more out of your study time by digging a little deeper into the Scriptures and learning how to apply them to your life. Free printables of beautifully designed inspirational scriptures are also available.
Women's Event Speaker
Are you in the Dallas area and looking for a fresh new speaker to add some excitement to your next luncheon, women’s retreat or other women’s event? Drop me a note at and lets chat about it. I would love to come and meet with you and the women in your group.
Connect with me & other Christian Wives & Moms
Stop by to visit the website at for more info, blog post, journaling ideas, and free printables.
Or become a part of our little community of believers by joining the Faith Lived Out Community on Facebook. Where you can join together with other faith led wives and moms just like you.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023

When people are having troubles in their marriage or trying to decide what to do in their life. If they should move forward in a certain direction or not. Some will give the advice that God just wants you to be happy, so do what makes you happy. But is that really the case? Are our decisions to be made based on what makes us happy? Is this God’s priority for our marriages? 
Join me for a chat about being happy and what God really wants for you and your marriage.
Let’s get started!
Scripture References
John 15:11
John 16:24
Psalms 1:1-2
Psalms 119:1-3
Hebrews 13:8
Matthew 5:18-19
Psalms 37:3-5 & 7-9
Psalms 16:11
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Have you been blessed by this podcast?  Please consider taking a moment to leave a review. This helps more women -- just like you -- find the podcast and be encouraged in their walk with the Lord as they learn biblical principles to live out their faith everyday. You may also want to hit the follow button so you don't miss any new episodes!
Free Gift for You!
Simply click the link for your free printable copy of the Faith Lived Out Journal. Specifically designed with prompts to help you get more out of your study time by digging a little deeper into the Scriptures and learning how to apply them to your life. Free printables of beautifully designed inspirational scriptures are also available.
Women's Event Speaker
Are you in the Dallas area and looking for a fresh new speaker to add some excitement to your next luncheon, women’s retreat or other women’s event? Drop me a note at and lets chat about it. I would love to come and meet with you and the women in your group.
Connect with me & other Christian Wives & Moms
Stop by to visit the website at for more info, blog post, journaling ideas, and free printables.
Or become a part of our little community of believers by joining the Faith Lived Out Community on Facebook. Where you can join together with other faith led wives and moms just like you.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Tuesday Jun 13, 2023

Forgiving someone can be so hard. There are times that the hurt is so deep that we're not sure we are able to forgive, times when we are simply unwilling to do so, or we’re just not sure how to get past the hurt and the anger so we can forgive someone.
As believers, Jesus is our example as to what forgiveness looks like in our lives. So we’re going to take a look at how Jesus forgave us, how He helped me forgive someone close to me, and how we are to forgive others.
I’m loading you up with scripture girls, so get your pen and paper ready and Let’s get started!
Scripture References
Nehemiah 9:17
Psalm 86:5
Romans 6:23
Luke 22:41-44
1 John 1:9
Isaiah 43:24-25
Ephesians 4:32
Colossians 3:13
Matthew 18:21-35
Matthew 6:14-15
Matthew 5:44
Proverbs 25:21-22
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Have you been blessed by this podcast?  Please consider taking a moment to leave a review. This helps more women -- just like you -- find the podcast and be encouraged in their walk with the Lord as they learn biblical principles to live out their faith everyday. You may also want to hit the follow button so you don't miss any new episodes!
Free Faith Lived Out Printable Journal
Don't forget to email me at for your free printable copy of the Faith Lived Out journal. Specifically designed with prompts to help you get more out of your study time by digging a little deeper into the Scriptures and learning how to apply them to your life.
Women's Event Speaker
Are you in the Dallas area and looking for a fresh new speaker to add some excitement to your next luncheon, women’s retreat or other women’s event? Drop me a note at and lets chat about it. I would love to come and meet with you and the women in your group.
Connect with me & other Christian Wives & Moms
Stop by to visit the website at for more info, blog post, journaling ideas, and free printables.
Or become a part of our little community of believers by joining the Faith Lived Out Community on Facebook. Where you can join together with other faith led wives and moms just like you.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Tuesday Jun 06, 2023

We’ve all seen her and maybe we've had to deal with her at some point. Who is she? She's that cranky woman who seems to be unhappy with life and angry at the world.
No one wants to be like this. So where did her bitterness come from and how did it grow? More importantly, how do we make sure that we don't let bitterness grow in our hearts and end up the same way?
In this episode we’re chatting about 2 main causes of bitterness, what makes it grow, and how to stop it from taking over in our life.
Let’s get started!
Scripture References
Proverbs 10:18
Proverbs 26:24
Proverbs 14:30
Isaiah 38:1-3, 10-12, & 15
James 3:14-16
Proverbs 27:15
Proverbs 21:19
2 Corinthians 10:12
Hebrews 13:5
Psalms 37:4
Isaiah 38:17
Hebrews 12:14-15
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Have you been blessed by this podcast?  Please consider taking a moment to leave a review. This helps more women -- just like you -- find the podcast and be encouraged in their walk with the Lord as they learn biblical principles to live out their faith everyday. You may also want to hit the follow button so you don't miss any new episodes!
Free Faith Lived Out Printable Journal
Don't forget to email me at for your free printable copy of the Faith Lived Out journal. Specifically designed with prompts to help you get more out of your study time by digging a little deeper into the Scriptures and learning how to apply them to your life.
Women's Event Speaker
Are you in the Dallas area and looking for a fresh new speaker to add some excitement to your next luncheon, women’s retreat or other women’s event? Drop me a note at and lets chat about it. I would love to come and meet with you and the women in your group.
Connect with me & other Christian Wives & Moms
Stop by to visit the website at for more info, blog post, journaling ideas, and free printables.
Or become a part of our little community of believers by joining the Faith Lived Out Community on Facebook. Where you can join together with other faith led wives and moms just like you.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Tuesday May 30, 2023

Hi Ladies,
Recently I read Psalm 97 and it reminded me of just how powerful our God is. Of His sovereignty over literally everything in my life, that He reigns on the throne, and His promises of joy for those who call Him Lord.
This was encouraging to me because with the everyday busyness of our lives, working, homeschooling our kids, carting them to and fro all day, and tending to the needs of our husbands and our households, we can easily lose sight of this
So I invite you to come sit with me as we take a look at this Psalm and are encouraged and inspired together.
Let's get started!
Scripture References
Psalm 97
John 16:33
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Have you been blessed by this podcast?  Please consider taking a moment to leave a review. This helps more women -- just like you -- to find the podcast and be encouraged in their walk with the Lord as they learn biblical principles to live out their faith everyday. Also, you may want to hit the follow button so you don't miss any new episodes!
Free Faith Lived Out Printable Journal
Don't forget to email me at for your free printable copy of the Faith Lived Out journal. Specifically designed with prompts to help you get more out of your study time by digging a little deeper into the Scriptures and learning how to apply them to your life.
Women's Event Speaker
Are you in the Dallas area and looking for a fresh new speaker to add some excitement to your next luncheon, women’s retreat or other women’s event? Drop me a note at and lets chat about it. I would love to come and meet with you and the women in your group.
Connect with me & other Christian Wives & Moms
Stop by to visit the website at for more info, blog post, journaling ideas, and free printables.
Or become a part of our little community of believers by joining the Faith Lived Out Community on Facebook. Where you can join together with other faith led wives and moms just like you.
Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Tuesday May 23, 2023

Jesus performed miracles while He was here on earth. He healed people from all sorts of diseases, cast out demons, made the blind to see, the lamb to walk, and even raised some of people from the dead.
Besides God’s mighty power to merely speak or touch someone and they are healed, or that He has compassion for His children, what do we learn from the miracle accounts listed in Scripture? How can they help us in our lives today?
Join me as we look at 3 miracles of Jesus and see what they teach us about our heart attitude, our expectations of prayer and our response to God.
Let’s get started.
Scripture References
Matthew 8:1-17
2 Corinthians 12:6-9
Hebrews 4:16
James 4:6
1 John 5:14-15
Matthew 25:34-40
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Have you been blessed by this podcast?  Please consider taking a moment to leave a review. This helps more women -- just like you -- to find the podcast and be encouraged in their walk with the Lord as they learn biblical principles to live out their faith everyday. Also, you may want to hit the follow button so you don't miss any new episodes!
Free Faith Lived Out Printable Journal
Don't forget to email me at for your free printable copy of the Faith Lived Out journal. Specifically designed with prompts to help you get more out of your study time by digging a little deeper into the Scriptures and learning how to apply them to your life.
Women's Event Speaker
Are you in the Dallas area and looking for a fresh new speaker to add some excitement to your next luncheon, women’s retreat or other women’s event? Drop me a note at and lets chat about it. I would love to come and meet with you and the women in your group.
Connect with me & other Christian Wives & Moms
Stop by to visit the website at for more info, blog post, journaling ideas, and free printables.
Or become a part of our little community of believers by joining the Faith Lived Out Community on Facebook. Where you can join together with other faith led wives and moms just like you.

Tuesday May 16, 2023

Hi Ladies, Recently I spoke at a women's brunch about how blooming where we're planted is to mature in the achievement of our God given potential. The ladies there really seemed to resonate with the message and be inspired by it, so I wanted to share it with all of you as well.
However I have tweaked it just a bit as it relates to us as godly wives and moms. Because as you bloom, you have the unique privilege to help your husband and your little ones bloom in their God given potential as well.
Hope you enjoy it. 🌷
Scripture References
Psalms 92:12-15
2 Kings 5:1-3, 15
Psalms 86:8-13
Colossians 3:16
2 Peter 3:17-18
Matthew 28:19
Romans 12:4-8
Ephesians 4:15-16
John 15:16
Ephesians 2:10
Psalms 139:13-17
Deuteronomy 3:24
Hebrews 13:20-21
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Have you been blessed by this podcast?  Please consider taking a moment to leave a review. This helps more women -- just like you -- be encouraged in their walk with the Lord as they learn biblical principles to live out their faith everyday. Hit the follow button so you don't miss any new episodes!
Free Faith Lived Out Printable Journal
Don't forget to email me at for your free printable copy of the Faith Lived Out journal. Specifically designed with prompts to help you get more out of your study time by digging a little deeper into the Scriptures and learning how to apply them to your life.
Women's Event Speaker
Are you in the Dallas area and looking for a fresh new speaker to add some excitement to your next luncheon, women’s retreat or other women’s event? Drop me a note at and lets chat about it. I would love to come and meet with you and the women in your group.
Connect with me & other Christian Wives & Moms
Stop by to visit the website at for more info, blog post, journaling ideas, and free printables.
Or become a part of our little community of believers by joining the Faith Lived Out Community on Facebook. Where you can join together with other faith led wives and moms just like you.

Wednesday May 10, 2023

If God tells us to trust Him with our finances. That when we follow His biblical principles and seek Him first He will provide for our needs. Then what is our responsibility in providing for our families and where does that responsibility end and faith begin?
Also, we have learned a lot about what God says about money in the first two episodes of this series. So what does all this look like in our christian marriages? How should following God's way in handling our finances affect our relationship with our husband?
We're going to take a look at all of this today, so get your pens ready to take some notes and let's get started.
Scripture References
Malachi 3:10
Matthew 6:31-33
2 Thessalonians 3:10-12
Proverbs 31: 13, 16, 24, 15, 27
Matthew 6:24
Genesis 2:24
Ephesians 5:33
Link to Episode 18
I think I said it was #10 on the podcast. My apologies. Below is the link to the correct episode with all the details about when I quit my job.
Episode 18 ~ A Leap of Faith ~ It Was a Bit Scary, But We Did It.
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Have you been blessed by this podcast?  Please consider taking a moment to leave a review. This helps more women -- just like you -- be encouraged in their walk with the Lord as they learn biblical principles to live out their faith everyday. Hit the follow button so you don't miss any new episodes!
Free Faith Lived Out Printable Journal
Don't forget to email me at for your free printable copy of the Faith Lived Out journal. Specifically designed with prompts to help you get more out of your study time by digging a little deeper into the Scriptures and learning how to apply them to your life.
Women's Event Speaker
Are you in the Dallas area and looking for a fresh new speaker to add some excitement to your next luncheon, women’s retreat or other women’s event? Drop me a note at and lets chat about it. I would love to come and meet with you and the women in your group.
Connect with me & other Christian Wives & Moms
Stop by to visit the website at for more info, blog post, journaling ideas, and free printables.
Or become a part of our little community of believers by joining the Faith Lived Out Community on Facebook. Where you can join together with other faith led wives and moms just like you.

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